The “Class Contact Lists” are frequently used and most families at school are part of the scheme.
To join the scheme, complete the online google form by clicking on the link – Class Contact online form or copy the following web address into your browser:
The P&C would like to confirm that parental permission is granted for the school to provide every child’s name and class number/letter to the P&C. The contact details you provide will be reused each year, unless you need to advise a change of details or request in writing to opt out of the scheme. When parents opt out of the class contact scheme, this means that they do not want their information shared with other parents and the class contact lists will not include them or be sent to them.
Previously the Parents & Citizens advised that the information parents provided would be used in subsequent years, unless parents request in writing to opt out of the scheme.
If you no longer wish to be on the class parent list, please email [email protected].
If you would like to be a Class Parent, please complete the online google form by clicking on the link Class Parent Nomination or copy the following web address into your browser–
Please email [email protected] if you would like more information about the Class Parent Scheme, the class contact lists or being a class parent.
Class Parent Coordinator: Cathie Bates
Email:[email protected]